“Justice For Kristi” launches campaign to keep brutal killer Victor Lawrence Paleologus in prison in advance of his  November 7, 2023 parole hearing

STOP PAROLE!  Protect Next Potential Victims!

LOS ANGELES, July 20, 2023 / PRNewswire

Justice for Kristi, a group organized to honor Kristi Johnson, an innocent victim of rape and murder, today launched their campaign tot block serial killer, Victor Lawrence Paleologus, from being released on parole at his upcoming hearing on November 7th.  

On the afternoon of February 15, 2003, a ruthless killer, Victor Lawrence Paleologus encountered 21 year old Kristi Johnson at the Century City Mall, and under the false pretense of a movie audition, lured her to a vacant Hollywood Hill home. There he attacked, raped, and murdered her, then threw her lifeless body down a canyon. The high-profile crime has been the topic of numerous media outlets, including: “Death in the Hollywood Hills”, episode of NBC’s Dateline series. 

“Victor Paleologus is one of the most vicious, manipulative, and sadistic rapist murderers I have seen in my FBI career and, just like he did last time he was released from prison, he will rape and kill again.” Retired FBI Supervisory Special Agent/Profiler, Jim Clemente.

“Victor Paleologus is a violent murderer who plotted to sexually assault and kill multiple young women. He has never fully accepted responsibility for killing Kristi Johnson and should serve his full life sentence. He spent years plotting his violent attacks and there is no reason to believe his sadism and misogyny have been magically cured in prison.”  Francey Hakes, State and Federal Sex Crimes Prosecutor, retired.

In 2006, at the trial for Kristi’s murder Paleologus escaped the death penalty when he agreed to plead guilty, He received a 25 to life sentence, with the possibility of parole. Now, 20 years later (five years early), the killer is being considered for release at a parole hearing on November 7, 8:30 am PT. 

Paleologus doesn’t deserve freedom and a second chance to endanger another innocent victim. Before Kristi’s murder, he demonstrated how chronically dangerous he is when in 1998, he was convicted of rape of Heather Maher. He served five years at Men’s Colony in San Luis Obispo and was released on January 20, 2003.

He killed Kristi just 26 days later, on February 15!

Now, Kristi’s father, Kirk Johnson, mother, Terry Hall, and brother,  Derek Johnson, are leading the drive to ensure Paleologus remains incarcerated. Kristi’s initiative, Justice for Kristi is described at the website


Learn more about Kristi Johnson at


Justice For Kristi is dedicated to the memory of Kristi Johnson, who was an innocent victim of a senseless, cruel crime.


Laurie Gibson
Phone: 650.815.1438 / Email:


Photo of Kristi with her mother, Terry